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Facial Deflation

Visit our Dermatology Clinic in Greenwich, Connecticut

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At some point, we all wind up disappointed with what the mirror reflects. Little by little our face seems to become more haggard, the eyes more hollow, the jowls more prominent and the lips thinner. What exactly makes our face age like that?

Extensive anatomical studies have shown these changes to be the result of gradual bone and soft tissue loss over the years and not of gravity as was once thought. These changes actually start in our late 20s and early 30s. In the dermatology and plastic surgery world, we call this “skeletonization” of the face. That perfectly describes this general volume loss .

At Greenwich Dermatology™, we have been pioneers in helping younger patients hold on to their youthful facial contours with the latest in regenerative approaches. Biostimulatory and standard Fillers are placed only where necessary in order to create a harmonious effect. We use both needle and cannula techniques.

Frown lines and crow’s feet respond beautifully to Botox or other neuromodulators.

As life progresses, some areas may require more attention than others, such as sunken temples, flat cheeks and sagging mouth corners. Combinations of fillers, laser skin stimulation/repair and threading can have a very powerful rejuvenating effect.

Once laxity sets in, a variety of devices such as Fotona, Ulthera, Thermage, and Fraxel Re:pair can help tighten skin.

Combining neuromodulators, biostimulatory fillers and skin tightening treatments is the new paradigm in facial contour maintenance. This clever trio has been instrumental in helping men and women hold on to their youthful appearance for one to two decades longer than would normally be expected.